
Ideate & innovateOur Full Range Service Offerings

As the leading IT software development company, Codiant has an exceptional knack and deep industry insight to solve simple to complex business challenges digitally.

Hire Our Developers

Software Engineering

Transform your business digitally by developing mobile app, web and software built for agility, resilience, and growth with our on-demand teams and dedicated resource hiring services.

Custom Software Development

Unlock innovation, efficiency, and growth with our expert team of developers. Experience top-notch software development services tailored to your business needs.

MVP Development

Accelerate your product launch with our MVP development services. From idea to implementation, we’ll help you build a functional prototype that validates your concept, attracts investors, and minimizes time to market.

SaaS Development

We specialize in building scalable and secure cloud-based applications that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

IT Consultation and Planning

Get expert IT consultation and planning for your business. Our team will assess your needs, devise a strategy, and optimize your IT infrastructure.

Quality Assurance & Testing

We specialize in building scalable and secure cloud-based applications that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

Digital Automation

Shape your digital vision with our expert digital transformation and modernization services. We develop powerful, scalable and growth hacking software solutions to rewire your organization’s capabilities.

Digital Transformation

From planning to implementation, we harness the power of modern technologies, to simplify your processes and create exceptional customer experiences.

Digital Product Engineering

Our expert team combines cutting-edge technologies, agile methodologies, and industry best practices to build innovative and robust digital solutions. Visit and kickstart your digital product engineering journey now.

Enterprise Mobility

Empower your workforce and enhance productivity with our enterprise mobility solutions. Our services secure mobile collaboration, provide real-time information sharing, and improved decision-making.

Intelligent Automation

Move forward digitally with bold steps. Codiant’s knack in emerging technologies will help you create sustainable value throughout the business while solving critical business challenges.

Chatbot Development

Enhance customer engagement and automate interactions with our chatbot development services. We specialize in creating conversational interfaces.


Augmented Reality

Our AR services blend virtual elements with the real world, enabling interactive and immersive engagements.

Internet of Things

We design IoT solutions that connect devices, collect data, and enable smart automation for improved efficiency and decision-making.


Our blockchain solutions enable secure transactions, decentralized data storage, and smart contract automation.

Big Data

From data integration and storage to advanced analytics and visualization, we provide end-to-end Big Data solutions.