Category: Travel & Hospitality

Pre-launch Checklist for Successful Travel Apps

Whenever a person plans a trip to their dream destination, they exceed their limitations to explore the internet in search of new and unfamiliar places. This has prompted several travel and hospitality businesses, like Airbnb,... Read more

Enhancing Traveler’s Online Booking Experience with Safari & Trekking App Platform

Travel and Tourism have become a billion-dollar industry. More than 70% of people search on their smartphones to find the most appropriate and suitable traveling destination for them. According to UNWTO, people are spending around 130%... Read more

Travel and Hospitality Industry Tech Trends: Your Guide For The Digital Journey Ahead

Among all the industries affected by COVID-19, the travel and hospitality industry is among the hardest hit. The pandemic has challenged the hotel and lodging operations and research suggests though the crisis is still deeply... Read more

How to Develop a Winning Hotel and Lodging Booking App for Your Own Hotel Chain?

Let’s face it, nearly 65% of hotel booking reservations comes to you from booking and deal sites where you actually have to chop their commission out by paying them for each guest they send to... Read more

How to Create A Hotel Booking Mobile App? A Cheat Sheet

The online travel market driven by two major staples flights and hotel bookings has undeniably become the heart of industry growth by reaching unprecedented size and momentum in 2018. The inflating disposable incomes churning out... Read more

Powerful Growth Engines of Travel and Hospitality Industry 2018-19

A strengthening global economy is the solid reason behind any industry growth. The travel and hospitality industry is no exception! In the wake of the strong proliferating culture of online travel booking apps and other technology... Read more