Category: Android

Explore The Best Android App Development Tools Of 2022

Android is globally the most popular operating system and is the best platform for developing customized mobile applications. The obsessive platform covers more than 80% of the mobile market share and is predicted to grow... Read more

Android Q vs iOS 13 New Features: Overview and Comparison

Excitement and the urge to compare skyrocket at the same speed when the most anticipated OS versions of iPhone and Android get released on the grounds of California. With the release date drawing near and Android... Read more

Android P First Developer Preview: Next flavor of Android

The Latest Android Update Gets Dissected Finally, Google has cracked the lid on the next version of Android after having a huge fun on National Oreo day. Though, the official name of current version of... Read more

Covering up all the New features in Android Studio 3.0, Android 8.1 Developer Preview

Just Bang on! Here’s the big day for Android Programmers. Google announces the availability of the latest version of its flagship IDE for mobile, Android Studio 3.0, while also launching a developer preview of Android... Read more

Kotlin: A New Programming Language for Android

Android app development is getting expressive, concise, extensible and robust way more it used to be before. Kotlin is the newcomer! A statically typed programming language for modern multiplatform applications—Kotlin— now gets official on Android.... Read more

Say Hello to Android O and Unveil the Updates

You speculated it right! O will be Oreo, and it is. The latest version of Android is officially here aka Android Oreo. Google has so far kept it a tradition to spread the joy (updates)... Read more