gghs-logo On-Demand App

An On-Demand Service Marketplace App

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Website

About GGHS

Good Guys is an on-demand home service app platform that allows users to instantly connect with skilled technicians providing home services nearby them such as plumbing, electrical repair, home cleaning, carpentry, laundry, beauty, fitness, drivers, painting and other handyman gigs with real-time scheduling features. The app is driven by robust advanced technologies and changing customer requirements and expectations which also means the app can appropriately balance trade-offs in standardization/customization.

  • Client’s Location


  • Development Time

    9-10 months

  • Target Users

    Service buyers, on-demand users, solution seekers, skilful individuals

Technologies Leveraged

We leveraged the strength of robust and secure technologies, tools, and frameworks used in the app/web to escalate the creation of new features and functionalities.

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Identifying the Client Needs

Customer expectations hooked with the stance of immediacy, convenience and comfort have triggered the wave of on-demand service models. The city lacking this prospective model with checkpoints like quality service, value addition, and instant availability is arguably conquering a despairing economy. The quickest possible way to clash this service incompetency is deploying a technologically advanced yet simple mobile app that serves customers’ needs instantly.

Following this, our client successfully tapped this gap and planned to launch an on-demand home service app bricked with innovation and risk management strategies.

Client Goals

Our client aimed to develop an on-demand home service app that connects users with service providers with the ability to perform the following functions:

  • App Objectives

    • The app should allow users to easily book and schedule services.
    • Geo-location tagging enables users to search and book nearby service providers.
    • Services should be listed by matching the current location preferences.
    • Notifications, alerts, and reminders should be sent to respective stakeholders (Customers and Service Provider) on every status/event update.
    • Multiple payment gateway support.

Mobile Visual Designs

Our UI/UX team developed hi-fi prototype after low-fi approval, through intuitive interfaces and aesthetically appealing layouts.


Web Visual Design

To design visually captivating websites, our UX experts combined creativity and functionality to create a simple yet impactful interface that delivers the brand’s message.



After undertaking all the client specifics, our development team started building a robust system including all three major stakeholders. The team ensured to integrate all the excellent features to maintain the smooth & cordial functioning of the stakeholders on the app platform. The following functionalities were integrated for the customer, serviceman, & admin app to guarantee a smooth working of the on-demand home service app.


Easy sign up or registration through email address, phone no. or social media account.

View Service List

User will see a list of service categories based on the user’s location.

Book Services

User can book services instantly or schedule them for later.

Cancel Booking

A user can even cancel the booking but will require entering a reason for canceling the service.

Ask An Expert

User can ask an expert for choosing trades like HVAC, plumbing, electric, handyman.

Online Chat

The user can chat online with the expert and take service recommendations.

Service Provider Profile

User can see the details of the service provider including distance away, service ratings, charge, etc.

Mark Favorite

User will have an option to mark the service provider as Favorite.

Push Notifications

The user will receive notifications for all events like servicemen arrived, job started, finished, etc.

Invoice Generation

As the service completes invoice will be generated displaying all the line items added by the service provider.

Make Payment

Users can easily make in-app payments through cash/cards/net banking.

Booking History

A user can manage past bookings, upcoming bookings, and on-going services.


A serviceman can log in/register using email, phone no, and password.

Update Status

The service man can update status of availability as online/offline.


A service man can accept or reject the booking request.

Share Info

The service man will have the option for providing initial work info/estimate to the customers.

Alert Notification

Alert notification will be received by all service providers near the customer’s location.

See User Details

Service Provider will have the option to see in-app registered user details and assign the request to self.

Service Status

The service status will get updated as he/she accepts the request, arrives at the place, and starts/finishes the service.

Request Payment

Once the job is completed, the service provider can tap on the request payment button.

Book Service

Service Provider has an option to book services themselves on behalf of users.

Create Estimate

Service providers can create/generate estimates post job completion.

Set Availability

A serviceman adds/update and select the availability timings based on days, hours, time slot available.

User Feedback

The rating and review provided by the user can be viewed here.


Admin can log in using email id, password.

Dashboard (Site)

View a total number of registered users, serviceman, companies, and total earnings.

Dashboard (Services)

View total services, ongoing, canceled, and completed services.

Manage Serviceman

Search serviceman based on email, mobile no, text, status.

Manage Services

Create/Edit/Update/Delete service category.

Manage Users

Create/Edit/Update/Delete users, activate or inactivate user.

Manage Discount Code

Search, create, update, and delete promo code.


Search for services, service type, booking number, amount, booking date, etc.

Payment Tracking

Admin can handle all the financial transactions like customers and decide commission out of it.


Project Outcomes: Evaluating the Impact

After years of working in the trade industry, Good Guys Home Service App accomplished the longstanding ambition of our client as he cherished the citizens in Indianapolis and The Villages Florida, USA with a wonderful gift of comfy and laidback home services done in a matter of hours. The app possesses a simple, easy and user-friendly UI that works smoothly for every age household member. All its customers are happy and satisfied with a continuum of services it offers with the help of skilled technicians through full transparency and warranties.

  • Saving time and effort, users find service providers easily, without going anywhere or calling multiple vendors.
  • The app provides users with real-time information on the availability of service providers.
  • With a plethora of options, the app offers a diverse range of services for users to cater to various needs & preferences.
  • Good Guys Home Service app fosters secure and cashless payment methods for a better customer experience.

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