Taxi App

How To Build A Taxi App: Top Features and Tech Stack

  • Published on : June 13, 2022

  • Read Time : 19 min

  • Views : 9.5k


Prior Uber, Ola, and other similar types of taxi booking services marked their entry into the market, the traditional taxi services were in stiff competition. Such services have been under an unorganized sector where neither customers nor drivers were considered the priority. However, the picture changed drastically after the introduction of on-demand taxi booking app development in the market. These online taxi booking service providers have considered the profit business case for both stakeholders i.e. driver and customer.

In a short span of time, the transportation industry has evolved a lot and is luring entrepreneurs to invest in the taxi app development business. Though fleet systems like Ola and Uber are there to remain in the long-term competition, yet there is a huge scope for promising businesses to enter into the transport and taxi hailing industry and attract a greater market presence.

It all sounds quite fascinating for young entrepreneurs, right? So, if you’re mind-ready to start a taxi app venture and require firm assistance to take your taxi business online then here is the article to let you understand how to build a taxi app and what could be the most suitable and appealing features to attract an ample number of customers at a time and retain them for long-terms.

The Need To Develop An On-Demand Taxi Booking App

Taking taxi business online is the pressing need of the transportation industry. As taxi businesses are not going to be outdated, but periodically it will keep requiring some stimulant to retain customers and enhance their experiences.

The on-demand taxi booking apps can be the igniter to extend and enhance such services to a great extent. The taxi booking apps enable customers to book a ride instantly, widen their client base, and enhance user experience as compared to traditional taxi businesses.

In addition to that, the taxi app can make the driver’s experience quite convenient and easier to find passengers. Overall, the automation of the traditional fleet management system is a win-win decision for you, your customers/passengers, and the drivers. Moreover, the taxi app development decision will make your business process more structured and simplified.

When developing a taxi app, it’s crucial to comply with local regulations and guidelines. Consult with local authorities, ensure user data privacy and security, and implement robust security measures. Doing these things will help you make an app that’s legal, and that users and officials can trust.

You can also look for niche opportunities in the taxi business with electric car taxis, like Green Cabs in New Zealand. Another option is on-demand bike services, like GrabBike in Thailand and Rapido in India. Take advantage of the increasing need for green and different types of transport.

Business automation also helps you monitor business analytics of the generated data and use it in making better business decisions. These analytics could be a game-changer for your taxi business and provide an additional benefit in the competitive market.

If you are aiming to develop a taxi app like Ola or Uber then you require a huge server to cater to multiple user requests and monitor the taxi fleet at the same time. The app can guide drivers to select the shortest and least crowded path to reach their destination in minimum time. We are a web and app development company and have expertise in building both parts of apps for online taxi services – the client app and server software.

Automate Your Traditional Fleet Management System with Codiant

Taxi App Development: A Quick Guide

  1. Define Unique Value Proposition: Your app should provide distinct benefits to both drivers and passengers to set it apart in the market. Analyse competitors, identify unique features, craft a compelling value proposition for your taxi app’s distinctiveness to attract users.
  2. Identify a Niche: Discover an underserved segment within the cab booking app industry with less competition where your app can thrive.
  3. Choose Revenue Model: Decide whether to earn revenue by charging commissions from drivers or through paid promotions within the app.
  4. Craft Your Vision: Gather all the necessary requirements for your project and communicate them effectively to your taxi mobile app development team.
  5. Prepare Technical Documentation for the App: Your development team will create a detailed technical specification for the app, outline user stories, propose the app’s architecture, and decide on the technologies to be used.
  6. Build the MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Your taxi app developers will start by implementing the most crucial user stories and perform rigorous unit testing to identify and rectify any errors in the app’s initial version. It is also known as MVP (minimum viable product).

Taxi Booking Platform: An Independent Service Provider

Unlike Uber, if you don’t have a huge fleet of taxis but are eager to enter into the taxi industry, then you can do so, as there is an alternate for this by providing a taxi booking app service to the taxi drivers. It can be done in two different ways; one is a simpler mode however another is a bit complex.

1. A Taxi Booking App with Simpler Solution

The simpler taxi booking app is a single user interface for customers to explore multiple taxi service providers and their prices to choose the most convenient and cheapest yet a quality service provider. The customer can also directly call the driver through the app to book the taxi.

Additionally, you can introduce more services through the app to facilitate your passengers and drivers with Map Routing. The integration of Maps with GPS system supports drivers and customers to track the distance and find he most suitable route. Based on the distance, the user can also calculate the approximate ride fair according to per mile charges and service charges.

This simpler solution of taxi service doesn’t require a server system or database to manage driver and passenger details, ride details, and other variety of data that usually gets generated and stored in the individual taxi services application. Such types of apps require manual updating and monitoring to introduce any price change, offers, and discounts.

If you like to introduce such type of taxi services with server free solution, then you can connect with us to implement this idea and take your business into the competitive market instantly.

2. Taxi App Development like Uber with Complex Solution

Taxi services app like Ola and Uber are one of the more complex and feature-rich solution that demands investment of time and money both in back-end development with the front-end. For such apps, you require a well-designed and highly secure server system to establish an interface between the user and the company. The business app has to deal with two different interfaces separately – one is of the passenger interface and another is of the driver interface.

Such complex apps are equipped with the latest technologies and functionalities to streamline the user experience and deliver quality services. The GPS, assist the server to spot the accurate location of the passenger who made the request for taxi services and then notify the nearest driver to pick the passenger and drop them at the requested destination.

If you are looking for a full-fledged taxi app development with the latest functionalities and tech integration, then you landed at the right place. We provide state-of-the-art services using the latest technologies with our years of industry experience in customized taxi app development. If you want to build a clone app or the customized taxi application, then we can do it for you for both Android and iOS platforms. We have a well-curated team of taxi app developers who are experts in their craft and can effectively deal with clients’ custom demands by introducing a seamless user experience.

Features and Latest Technologies Used in Taxi Booking Apps like Uber

Technology has become an evident part of every industry to introduce the best services to their customers. Likewise, in taxi app development, technology plays a vital role in enhancing the overall product and service delivery quality. Uber exercised this opportunity very precisely to facilitate its passengers and drivers.

Uber forayed the vulnerable market with its marketing tactics, with the introduction of mobile applications, and acute customer-sensitive services that were well-focused to grab the attention of the prospect market.

As compared to traditional taxi services, Uber gave its passenger a touch of luxury, convenience, professionalism, and reliability, which helped it gain a huge market traction. That said, if you are also planning for a taxi app development then it is highly recommended to define your budget first. Since it is a very heavy and feature-rich application that could cost a lot.

To help you know the number of features and tech integrations that plays a major role in calculating a taxi app budget, here is your brief-to-detailed feature guide along with the supported technologies.

1. Live GPS Tracking

The advanced Taxi Booking Apps majorly rely on the GPS i.e. Global Positioning System, which locates the current position of the driver and assigns the trips accordingly. The integration of GPS technology is different for both Android and iOS devices.

With a GPS tracking system, the passengers can track the waiting time in real-time for the upcoming ride. Hence, passengers don’t have to worry about waiting long for the taxi arrival, in contrast to that it could be a matter of concern with the traditional taxi services.

The Geo-location tracking system depends on three vital factors, i.e., accessing the location, providing the navigation details, and providing mapping software.

2. Built-In Maps and Traffic Data

The mapping system and traffic analysis in real-time enhances user navigation experience. To map the route from source to destination Google or Bing Maps can be integrated and the driver can select the most suitable route to skip the traffic congestion, or can switch the route during the ride to avoid heavy traffic.

Since Uber is a global taxi service provider, it takes map navigation seriously to facilitate its passengers and drivers simultaneously. Likewise, being a taxi booking app owner, you can integrate Google Maps in your Android and iOS applications to float smooth user experience with the mobile application and your services at the same time.

3. Payment Integration System

Passengers used to juggle a lot while making the payment to look for cash and coins wherein the online payment system or wallet integration can ease the entire process. The passengers can also avail themselves of offers and promo codes to get discounts on their current journey. The online payment system almost gives a feeling of no-payment, as the amount gets deducted directly from the passenger’s credit/debit card, or app wallets.

To introduce a secure payment integration system, you can use App Wallet, Braintree, Stripe, Mobile Banking, or other online payment modes. These tools once store the details of the customer and can be used later just by entering a security code to allow the specific amount to be paid from the chosen account. These payment integration systems are highly reliable and secure, thus can easily prefer one or more payment system to be integrated in your taxi booking app solution.

4. Fare Calculation

A dynamic fare calculation system is a very crucial feature of taxi booking apps. It help customers to analyze the average fare and time of the journey. The fare calculation of the taxi booking app relies on four components, which are base fare, cost per minute, cost per kilometer, and booking fees.

On the other hand, the Admin can also track the demand of taxi services and availability of drivers at a specific area at a particular time; based on that on-peak hours admin can increase the fare prices. Based on such analysis, they can set a fair price for a specific area for a period of time which attracts driver’s attention and safeguards the availability of enough number of drivers to deal with fluctuating demand.

5. Dispatch Panel in Taxi – Hailing Platform

The dispatch panel of a taxi app has important parts that help run the system smoothly. This includes a secure sign-in and profile setup for managers. This feature lets managers give different access levels to others, helping share out tasks. The features for drivers, passengers, and cars also let managers add, change, or remove information, keeping the database current.

The rates feature helps check how well drivers are doing and make needed changes. The rides feature gives detailed ride information, and a payment feature keeps clear financial records, showing transactions and user payments. All these parts work together to manage sign-ups, profiles, access levels, driver/passenger details, ride history, and payments in the taxi app.

6. Review System

The on-demand taxi service apps like Uber are more reliable than traditional taxi businesses. By empowering drivers and passengers with a variety of genuine details before and during the ride, these apps maintains reliability and perfection in the online taxi business as compared to the traditional taxi services. The review and ratings are very eminent for helping the drivers to get genuine ratings and feedback from the passengers.

In contrast to that, these passenger reviews can help other passengers too in selecting the ride and maintain security concerns. Therefore, simply introduce a rating and feedback system in your app to support drivers to build their profiles and guide passengers to be aware of the driver’s behaviour.

7. SOS and Emergency Contact

To provide a hassle-free experience and ensuring the safety of the passenger, the ride-hailing app like Uber should be equipped with a security feature, where users can add an emergency contact number and details. The passenger can exercise this feature every time he/she is using the taxi service.

Apart from that, the passenger can also be offered the SOS button in the ride app. By tapping on the SOS button, the passenger and ride details with current locations are shared with the nearest police station along with that informing to the predefined emergency contact. It is a highly effective feature for both driver and passenger to eliminate the security concerns.

What Is the Best Way to Monetize Taxi-Hailing Apps?

1. Earn from Passengers: Make money by taking a small cut which can be termed as commission from passengers from the total cost of each ride as a service fee.

2. Service Charges: Ask passengers to pay a basic booking fee along with extra charges for services like security, overall assistance, and handling payments.

3. Penalty for Cancellations: If a passenger decides to cancel a ride, you can charge a small penalty fee which is basically called a cancellation fee.

4. Team Up with Brands: Partner with popular brands to feature their promotions in your app. Users get perks and goodies, and you make money from these brand collaborations.

5. Advertise Smartly: Generate revenue by displaying ads in your app. Advertisers pay you based on the number of clicks or views their advertisements receive.

How much does it cost to develop a taxi booking app?

Developing a taxi booking app encompasses various cost factors. The price range typically falls between $15,000 and $50,000, with additional expenses for more intricate features or development in high-cost areas. The core tech expertise of the development team plays an important role in both the cost and timeline of app development. Here’s how:

1. Experience and Efficiency: Although highly experienced teams may come with a higher cost, their efficiency can result in overall savings due to faster development.

2. Specialized Skills: If your app requires advanced features or cutting-edge technology, a team with specialized skills may be necessary. While this may increase costs, it ensures a well-crafted and timely development process.

3. Location: Development teams based in major cities or countries with a thriving technology industry may charge more due to higher living expenses in those areas.

4. Project Size and Complexity: Larger and more intricate apps demand additional time and resources, leading to an increase in development costs.

5. Maintenance Post-Launch: Ongoing updates and maintenance are essential for any app, contributing to continuous costs after the initial launch.

How Codiant can help you?

When you are planning to convert your traditional cab service into an Online Taxi Booking App platform, then you should definitely consider these above-mentioned features in your application. For detailed discussion and analysis of project requirements, you can connect with our business executives.

We are an experienced taxi app development company and our team includes UI/UX designers, Android & iOS developers, Web App Developers, QAs, DevOps, and a very efficient management team along with other resources.

These experts can develop a customized app like Uber as well as a taxi booking app with a simpler solution to introduce your automated taxi business in the competitive market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hiring locally can give you good communication, understanding, and trust. But hiring from other countries can save money, and bring in different skills, and new ideas. Pick what’s best based on what your project needs, how much you can spend, and what’s most important to you.

The cost per hour for making a taxi app changes based on where the team is. Teams in the US and Canada usually charge $100-250 per hour because it’s more expensive to live there. But teams in Eastern Europe charge less, between $35-50 per hour, because it’s cheaper to live and work there.

To be different from Uber and Lyft, create a unique value proposition. Focus on a specific market, provide unique services, or add special features to draw in users looking for something new. Make sure your service is clear and attractive to be successful.

To compete with Uber and Lyft, you need to make your taxi service stand out. You can do this by creating a unique brand, offering great value, working with a trustworthy tech partner, looking at different ways to make money, and adding key features to improve the user experience. These steps can help make your app different and bring in dedicated users.

Codiant specializes in taxi app development, addressing challenges like regulatory compliance and privacy issues. Tailored solutions, experienced business analysts, and dedication to turning clients’ ideas into reality adds another feather to our cap.

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