Category: Clone Apps

How to Develop Best Alternatives of Banned Chinese Apps?

To ensure the safety and sovereignty of Indian cyberspace, the Government of India has made a targeted move by banning 59 Chinese apps. The IT ministry has released the app list, including ByteDance’s TikTok, WeChat, Helo,... Read more

How to Make a Delivery Service App like Postmates?

Undeniably, Postmates has become an umbrella term for on-demand logistics and delivery. This urban logistics and delivery platform that powers local, on-demand logistics focused on fast deliveries from any type of merchant at scale bridges the gap... Read more

Cost and Features Involved In Developing an App like Airbnb

Airbnb is more than an amazing business website that lets any entrepreneur pull his or her interests towards building up a similar kind of platform with new tiers of their own. As Airbnb is now... Read more

Cost to Develop Instant Messaging App like WhatsApp

The hyper-growth of instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, and Messenger is mind-boggling. Facebook isn’t nuts to buy WhatsApp for $19 Billion. Must say! This whopping investment in chat messaging apps lies down the sheet of... Read more

How to Make an App Like Yelp? Dive in.

Be it a matter of navigation, lifestyle, food and drink or any other local business search, Yelp mirrors the real image of all local business goods and services on the notch of its reviews and... Read more