tannic-logo On-Demand Delivery

An On-Demand Pet Essentials Delivery and Treatment App

  • iOS
  • Android

About Taniic

Taniic is an on-demand service application that provides clinical treatment of pets and home delivery of varied pet essentials. Users can conveniently find in-budget services, such as nearby pet clinics, hospitals, and shops to take care of their pets by providing regular care without any delay. The pet retailer and care app also extend a slew of pet care services that optimizes care convenience at fingertips.

  • Client’s Location


  • Development Time

    06 Months

  • Target Users

    Pet Care businesses

Technologies Leveraged

We leveraged the strength of robust and secure technologies, tools, and frameworks used in the app/web to escalate the creation of new features and functionalities.

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Identifying the Client Needs

Taniic is an on-demand app for pet owners. It offers clinical pet treatment and home delivery of pet essentials. Users can easily find nearby pet clinics, hospitals, and shops for their pets’ needs. The app also provides various pet care services for added convenience.

Considering all these issues and solutions offerings, team Taniic came-up with a well- planned solution that deals with the multiple requirements of the different pets. With Taniic, the customer can easily search for an expert doctor for online and offline assistance, medicine prescription, etc.

Client Goals

When they figured out the issue, they soon concluded that a one-stop on-demand app platform can be the most impactful and suitable solution to deal with such issues. Thus, our client concluded to build an on-demand service delivery application that should be equipped with the following goals.

  • App Objectives

    • Instantly find shops, clinics and hospitals
    • Book an online appointment
    • Request for an in-person visit to the clinic
    • Order medicines, pet essentials, and accessories for home delivery
    • Avail multiple payment modes

Mobile Visual Designs

Our UI/UX team developed hi-fi prototype after low-fi approval, through intuitive interfaces and aesthetically appealing layouts.



Based on the finalized version of the high-fidelity prototype, the development team initiated the app development phase for all five stakeholders’ i.e. Customer, Veterinary, Shop, Driver and Admin Panel. The developers incorporated many features and functionalities that are listed below.

Quick Onboarding

Customer can easily sign up/log in with an email id/phone number and password.

Manage Profile

Customer can update the pet details, their details along with the location.


Customer can instantly search for shops and veterinary based on their location.

Veterinary List

Customer can view the entire list of registered veterinaries on the platform and can filter the list based on their location preference.

Shops List

Customer can find the list of all the registered shops and filter it based on their location.

Types Of Stores

Customer can find food stores, healthcare stores, toys stores, and others.

Book Online Appointment

Customers can book online appointments and make a visit in the clinic.

Order Medicines

Customers can easily place their order for medicines, daily care, toys, hygiene, and other items.

Make Payment

Customer can make payment through multiple online payment modes.

My Bookings

Customer can check all the previous bookings along with all the required details.

My Orders

Customer can easily keep an eye on all the previous and upcoming orders.

Order Status

Customer can also track the status of the order placed.


Veterinary can easily sign up/log in with an email id/phone number and password.

Manage Profile

The veterinarian can update the profile details with supporting documents to ascertain their expertise and specializations.

Manage Services

The veterinarian can update their services such as pet specialization, home services, online assistance, etc.

Manage Booking

The veterinarian can manage their appointments easily to schedule more appointments.

Manage Transactions

The veterinary doctor can manage their transaction with payment details and sources.

Ratings & Reviews

The veterinarian can see all the received reviews and feedback from the customers.


The shop owner can sign up/log in with an email id/phone number and password.

Manage Profile

The shop owner can update the profile details valid license, business registration, and other information.

Product Management

The shop owner can manage the product stock, and add/delete the products from the list.

Customer Management

The shop owner can manage their customer’s lists with all the required details.

Order Management

The shop owner can easily manage the orders placed by the customer, along with their status.

Coupons Management

Shops can generate customized coupons to facilitate customers in terms of discounts/offers.

Revenue Management

Shops can manage their revenue details from different sources and customers.

Reviews & Ratings

The shops can view all the received reviews and feedback submitted by the customers.

Help & Support

For any assistance or support, the shops can generate issues in the help & support section.


The driver can sign up/log in with an email id/phone number and password.

Manage Profile

The driver can update the profile with personal details and supporting vehicle details.

Order Request

The driver receives a new order request for delivery with customer details and address.

Update Order Status

The driver can update the status of the order as order picked up/out for delivery/delivered.

Delivery Details

The driver can track all the previous and ongoing delivery details made by him.

Rating & Reviews

The driver can view all the reviews and feedback received from the customer on the order delivery.

Sign Up/Log In

Admin can sign up/log in with an email id/phone number and password.

Product Categories

The admin can add/update/delete the category of products.

Manage Vet. Services

Admin can keep an eye on the varied services delivered by the veterinaries.

Manage Pet Type

The admin can update the list of pet types for which vets can be searched.

Manage Customer

The admin can keep track of all the details of customers, their orders, consultations, etc.

Manage Driver

Admin can handle all the drivers, their details and assign orders with a timeline.

Manage Veterinary

Admin can verify and keep an eye on the details of the veterinary with valid documents.

Manage Shops

The admin can manage the details, licenses, orders, and other details of the registered shops.

Manage Orders

The admin can keep an eye on all the orders, verify status, and set as active orders or past orders.

Manage Appointments

The admin can keep a tab on all the appointments made by the customer and set them as active/past appointments.

Manage Payment

The admin can track all the payments received from varied sources and their details.

Manage Earnings

The admin can manage earnings/settlement of all drivers, veterinaries and shops.


Project Outcomes: Evaluating the Impact

Taniic has come up as a very reliable platform for customers to help their pets in case of any uneasiness or pamper their pets in varied ways. The customers are quite happy with the platform where they can easily find vets, medicines, toys, hygienic products, etc. and all of this can be served at their doorsteps too. Having an affordable service with easy reach is gaining good traction from users and is successfully retaining most of the pet-loving customers as well.

  • Smart integration of expert advice feature helps users to gather required information about the pets from the qualified experts
  • Offers the convenience of using 24/7 service where users can place orders specially during emergencies or unusual conditions
  • Helps users to eradicate the hassle of going physically to the pet store and saves a lot of time.
  • Designed to easily monitor and track pet’s health like vaccination reminders, medication schedules and more.

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