Mobile App Development

A Quick Go-to Guide To Understand Mobile App Development Process

  • Published on : February 14, 2017

  • Read Time : 5 min

  • Views : 12.6k

A Quick Guide To Understand Mobile App Development Process

So you are ready with your app idea and next what you’ve to do is look for an amazing Mobile app development company that can turn your dream idea into a revenue-generating reality.

But what’s triggering your nerve is you hell know anything about the app development process!

How to start with? What the mind mapping should go till? And all those random thoughts snowballing in your head and making punch lines, even bigger than page three.

Well, well, well… take a hiatus! It’s no rocket science to understand those mighty points that will take you at the helm of the app creation process.

Here is your brief guide on how to get along from A to Z with your service providers and make the project a success!


Also known as Requirement Gathering and Analysis, under this step the app development service provider works closely towards understanding your requirements for:

  • Scrutinizing the workflow of your app features.
  • Identifying the estimated need for Native/Hybrid/Responsive Web Apps.
  • UI and UX requirements
  • Determining various other nonfunctional requirements such as System Performance needs, scalability factors, etc.

So, be ready with these no nonsensical, horizontally important features.

Wire Framing

On the wireframing stage, the developers make a blueprint of the structure of your app, which includes:

  • Conceptualizing the visual structured layout of the application
  • A storyboard creation of your app.
  • Defining the navigation, feasibility, and specifications of each screen of your app.

At this stage, you can fathom out whether or not the entire App development process is in sync with your requirements or not.

UI Prototyping or Design

You may take UI Prototyping as the skin of the product, where no HTML/CSS/JS is involved, and obviously no connection with the server and the database. It is a high fidelity prototype which is an advancement of interactive wireframe.

At this stage the interaction between user and interface is as realistic as possible. Here, you may also be provided with static mock ups of the responsive design, which will give you a meticulous idea on how your app will look like.


Now all the strategy work is complete. And you have a design in your hand. It is now the time to build an app. At the development stage, you’ll be updated on every move.

Since mistakes or changes at this stage of the app creation process can be costly as well as tedious for developers too. So, it’s important for you to be in regular touch with the project manager and the developer team.

Beta Testing

Your app is nearing completion here. Beta testing or user testing is done after the successful completion of the development process of your app. Your app is tested under different environments such as Functionality wise, Performance wise, Security, Usability, compatibility and Recoverability to name a few.

Feedback from beta users will help you determine whether or not the app’s functions are operating well in a real-world environment and it does not face any bugs or crashes.


Felicitations! The day has finally come! Your app is ready for launch here. The process of launching your mobile app on the app store can sometimes take a couple of weeks. So, hold on!

App Marketing

Don’t take a deep breathe as you submit your app on the app store. You’ve the most imperative part left at your disposal i.e. of app marketing. It is equally important to let your target audiences know about your app. These were the seven iterative steps that take to build a robust app.

Android and iOS app developers of Codiant software technologies are constantly obsessed to nail all these fundamentals in a magnificent way for years and their uphill battle brings to its customers an incredibly stunning app that has the power to move their business wondrously.

Want a validation? Don’t miss to visit our portfolio. And we are sure you’ll not be left unimpressed. And yes, don’t forget to share the knowledge. Happy coming hours!

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