Food & Grocery

Online Food Ordering and Delivery Trends In 2020

  • Published on : August 24, 2020

  • Read Time : 6 min

  • Views : 12.8k

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Digital platforms -> On-demand Food delivery -> Measures to Convenience.

Online Food Ordering and Delivery businesses have been growing at a skyrocketing speed. What posed as an innovation at a course of time quickly turns into a demand for incremental changes. Of course, trends are supposed to bring change. With the rising boom, we have seen food delivery players like Zomato, JustEat, Deliveroo, capturing a huge market share with their marketing tactics and strategic innovations to woo customers.

The online food delivery market that seems not to slowdown has recorded a revenue of US$23,991m in 2020 with an annual growth rate of 5.1% and is expected to grow to a market volume of US$29,222m by 2024, as per the report. Underlying these rapid advancements, food delivery businesses continue to seek new ways to improve their delivery services as well as keep themselves up to date with the latest food ordering app development trends. Here are the top game-changing food delivery app trends to hit the market in 2020:

Technological transformation

Personalized Catering: The rise in consumer preferences (e.g. demand for gluten-free food) will demand food delivery businesses to adopt Big Data Analytics into their existing digital platforms to better understand consumer needs, monitor trends and create meals that complement every dietary need.

Food & Ingredient Transparency: Transparent food labeling enabled by various health trackers will give a strong push to QSRs and businesses to mention more accurate information about food package labels.

Voice Assistance Tools: The AR and VR and voice assistance tools will play a huge role to help customers engage with QSRs and food businesses, even when they are not physically present in the restaurant.

Social Media & Small Businesses: The budding local food delivery startups will find their sweet spot in the webspace. They will access new markets, explore new opportunities by having their own website and food delivery app. Today, 89% of Australian small businesses have a website and some engagement with social media.

AI Bots: AI bots will progressively help in maximizing delivery efficiency, handling customer interactions, and driving recommendations.

Grocery Shopping Asistant

New Ways to Delivery and Concierge Services

Delivery with Drones: Experimentations in delivering food will see new heights. Companies like Domino’s, Zomato and Uber Eats have already reduced the time by half by drone delivery. Businesses may use fully autonomous on-demand drone delivery services by hiring companies like Flytrx, Zipline to avoid traffic, congestion and reduce delivery time.

Delivery with Robots: Depending on the geographic location, businesses will soon come face-to-face with a food delivering robot.

Like the Starship delivery app is the first to start delivery with robots in the UK where the user simply opens the app, choose the items to be delivered and drop a pin by selecting the delivery location on the service map.

Users can even watch the robot’s journey to them through an interactive map. Once the autonomous food delivery robot arrives, the user will receive an alert, and they can meet the robot and unlock it through the app.

These little six-wheeled machines are well-equipped to protect themselves and their goods from being stolen. They walk around with 9 cameras and travel 4mph and can reach you only if you’re in the 3-mile radius from them.

Related posts: On-demand delivery by Robots

Delivery with Parachutes: If your restaurant is on the eighth floor and your customer on the ground, how will you deliver the food quickly and efficiently? Parachute delivery is the solution. Parachute-delivered food possibly may give a real benefit for restaurateurs, as pointed out by Pop-Up City. The spaces higher up in the buildings are less-expensive and give more options to businesses to test culinary concepts. This innovative system was started by a group of friends in Melbourne where they delivered grilled sandwiches and used Paypal for payments.

Food Market Apps Segmentation

Delivery Only Business: The increasing internet penetration and smartphones have removed the limitations of having a food outlet to deliver food. Home kitchens can help businesses reduce the upfront cost for buying space and this way they can run their delivery business from home kitchens or collaborative kitchens. A Virtual Kitchen also runs on the same concept where they run their businesses online by taking orders only by mobile apps.

Crypto Food orders: Purchasing food online with cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular. Pizza for coins a service based in California allows you to order from major chains such as Domino’s, Pizza Hut or Papa John’s in exchange for BTC.


Convenience is king. Online food delivery app development has become a necessity and no more a choice. Restaurant-to-Consumer is by far the leading category but Platform-to-Consumer Delivery is growing faster. Improving the ordering experience and working on innovative delivery methods are the two major trends every food delivery business should vie for.

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