Category: Social Networking

What Is Social Commerce: Guide Covering Everything

Today, the development of e-commerce has given rise to a new frontier – Social Commerce. By combining social media and online shopping, companies have transformed how they connect with customers and sell products, and reduce... Read more

How To Use Social Media In Business Marketing: A Detailed Guide

Social Media is turning out to be an incredible way for businesses to engage with their existing customer and prospective customers. But, if your business doesn’t have a presence on social media platforms, then you... Read more

Case Study : How We Created A Social Online Dating App?

Just when you think about modern dating; one thing that pull hearts in the eyes is surely the ‘online dating app’. The hookup culture has become infectious amongst millennial and turned them into date-hungry swipe freaks.... Read more

Crack the Top Trending Types of Dating App Business Models

The increasing number of dating app users are heavily dominating the dating app industry. Pushing the dire need of business models that bring novelties pinned with security, reliance and authenticity. Dating app users, nowadays promises... Read more

How Much Does It Cost To Develop an Online Dating App?

Long gone are the times when dating a person was taboo. With increasing reliance and dependability on smartphones, apps and other technological advancements, people have shifted their lifestyle and the way of thinking. The Online... Read more

How to Create a Social Networking App?

Keen to build a network, an online community, for any niche or around your product/services? Social networking app can be the big idea! Infinite in its strength, rigorous in properties, and desirable in nature social media has... Read more