Mobile App Development

10 Key Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

  • Published on : November 11, 2023

  • Read Time : 12 min

  • Views : 8.6k


We live in the world saturated with millions of apps. Standing out in such a crowded space requires a strategic approach to native mobile app development.

As per Statista, a staggering 3.55 million Android apps have found their place on Google Play, while the Apple App Store boasts an impressive 1.6 million iOS apps to date.

With such fierce competition, it’s important for businesses to adopt a development approach that ensures optimal performance, user engagement, and scalability.

Here comes native mobile app development into play – a methodology renowned for its ability to unlock a host of advantages that enhance the user experience and drive business success.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the 10 key benefits that make native app development a standout choice for businesses seeking to create extraordinarily memorable customer experiences.

Let’s give a quick glance to discover how native development can revolutionize your app’s performance with increased user satisfaction.

What is Native Mobile App Development?

Native mobile app development is an approach that allows you to build apps dedicated to a specific operating system like Android or iOS. The native apps are built particularly for operating systems, they generally perform and look better. In addition, they give higher user engagement than hybrid apps.

Unlike web applications and websites, native apps don’t operate in the browser. They are such types of apps that are customized to take complete benefits of the platform.

For instance, native apps for Android are developed using Kotlin or Java, and for iOS using Swift or Object-C. This method differs from cross-platform and hybrid mobile app development.

To understand the benefits of native app development, let’s move further.

10 Major Benefits of Native Mobile App Development 


1. Top-notch Security

The foremost benefit of native mobile development is that it comes with top-notch security services. It is the solution to cyber-attacks and data breaches. Native apps are very secure as they can use the built-in security features of the Operating System. Also, it works through various layers of security protocols.

Further, anything can be coded in the app’s infrastructures and later, encrypted to preserve that data. In addition, they don’t depend on any third-party system but instead utilize native APIs and platform-specific programming languages.

Therefore, native apps are known for their security features, making them a trustworthy choice for apps dealing with sensitive data.

2. Quick Performance

Native apps are popular for their significant performance. They are quick and highly responsive because they are specially designed for one platform and compiled with their core programming languages and APIs.

Moreover, native apps are more efficient than hybrid apps since the native app’s data is stored on smartphones. Therefore, the app content loads quickly.

Also, native apps are optimized for particular platforms they function on, providing fast and seamless performance.

For example, big companies like Facebook and LinkedIn have invested in HTML5 previously. But they later regretted this decision. The reason behind this is the increasing popularity of standalone native apps.

3. Less Maintenance

In comparison to web apps, native apps require fewer updates and fewer maintenance efforts to run. As a result, the long-term costs get reduced. For native apps, users get notified about the most recent update easily.

Native apps are easy to maintain because they require less code and software dependency, resulting in lightweight apps. Moreover, native apps upload the maximum content during installation time. Therefore, games or Messenger don’t require to be updated regularly.

4. Bugs Free

In cross-platform app development, you have a single code base for supporting two applications that is hard to maintain. Whereas, in native mobile app development, you can use two separate code bases for building Android and iOS mobile apps. Therefore, this leads to fewer chances for bugs to develop.

Since native apps are developed for single platforms using platform-specific tools and languages, developers can solve issues, bugs, or errors more efficiently during mobile app development.

In addition, native apps are up to date with the latest versions of Android or iOS. This reduces the chances of bugs developing in native mobile apps.

5. Better Scalability

Another benefit of native apps is that they are highly scalable because they are built on a microservice architecture. Each microservice is responsible for a specific task within the app. Therefore, when the demand rises, these apps can be easily scaled. By creating more microservices for those services that are needed to cater to that demand.

Native apps enable growth, update, and increase user demand more effectively. This makes them an ideal choice for businesses looking for expansion plans.

For example, if you have two native app development assignments, one for iOS and the other for Android. You don’t have to worry about the compatibility of both versions. You are free to infuse new features on a provided platform.

6. Engaging UI/UX

Native app development allows to creation of intuitive user interfaces to provide users’s great experience. This sets the app apart from other competitor apps in the market.

For users, native apps are more interactive than cross-platform or hybrid-platform apps. These apps are easy to navigate and follow specific principles of design and strict standards of the particular operating system. As a result, the flow of the app gets natural.

From an app development perspective, native apps follow specific design guidelines. As a result, you do not have to worry about adjusting the size or resolution of graphics for every device.

7. Ultimate Offline Performance

An extraordinary benefit of native mobile apps is their ability to work offline. It is quite the opposite of web apps that do not load without an internet connection.

In case of no connectivity, native apps are considered one of the best options. For instance, navigation and games can work offline as their content has been pre-downloaded during installation.

Since native apps are stored on your device, a big benefit is that you do not need to worry about the connection affecting your app’s performance constantly. In short, native apps can function offline, ensuring that users can leverage features and functionalities even without an internet connection.

8. App Store Advantage

Native apps are easy to publish in the app stores and possess more chances to rank higher than hybrid apps. The reason behind this is native apps’ performance and speed.

For native app development developers follow strict guidelines of the operating system. This is another reason for the easy approval and launch of native apps.

Also, app stores such as Apple’s App Store for iOS and Google Play Store for Android provide various features. Like ratings, recommendations, and collections to increase native apps’ discoverability, visibility, and credibility.

9. Costs

The development cost of native apps is a bit higher than other platform app development. However, the long-term benefits and returns may exceed the initial investment. No doubt, creating two distinct solutions using different tools, technologies, and programming languages may cost more. Though they are completely justifiable.

The native apps’ performance, scalability, maintenance efficiency, quality, and user engagement are far better than hybrid or cross-platform apps. Hence, it contributes to a higher and stronger return on investment (ROI).

We suggest you to take native mobile app development as a cost-effective and proper strategic investment. Rather than a larger investment for your app’s success and profit. Firstly, assess these above-mentioned benefits and then decide whether native mobile app development is the right choice or not.

10. Extensive Customization

One of the standout features of native mobile app development is that it can be extensively and deeply customizable. It allows complete access to the device’s software and hardware features. Ultimately, it means you can integrate various features and functionalities as per your needs.

Using this development approach, you can get access to a camera, GPS, sensors, and microphone to create an innovative mobile app. This is tailored to your requirements and objectives in terms of functionality and design.

In addition, native apps are integrated with a wide variety of built-in automated testing tools. Because of this mobile app testing gets easier and simpler.

Why Should You Choose Native Mobile App Development? 

Well, native mobile app development is a compelling choice. There are many reasons to prove it like better security, enhanced user experience, less maintenance, improved performance, scalability, etc.

After reading the above-mentioned benefits, you would have thought that native mobile app development is right for you. Still, take some time to comprehend your goals and requirements and then create your iOS and Android native applications.

Here are some reasons you should consider for native development:

1. You need a mobile app that has quick operating speed.

2. You need a mobile app that should be highly scalable and customized.

3. You require an app to provide your users with a seamless user experience.

4. You expect reliability from both iOS and Android app development.

If these are your mobile app expectations, then you should opt for native mobile app development.

Future of Native Mobile Apps

The future of native mobile apps seems enormously evolving and remains highly promising, here is why:

1. Native apps are increasingly integrating AI and Machine Learning for smarter and personalized user experience.

2. IoT in native apps provides real-time insights and automation.

3. Expanding beyond gaming and entertainment, native apps are evolving in other industries as well. Such as healthcare, education, finance, and retail for providing interactive experiences.

4. Adapting to the immensely growing industry of wearable devices, native apps are expanding and offering their services here too.

There is a big possibility that native apps incorporate features to promote eco-friendly practices. Such as sustainable living, carbon footprint tracking, and green energy management to gain popularity.

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, native app development provides a rigid foundation for creating highly secure, user-friendly, and scalable apps. They pop out as a powerful and reliable approach to creating robust mobile apps.

There is no wonder that native apps are the preferred choice of many developers and businesses because of their benefits. If you want to offer a top-notch quality user experience, native development is the correct option to go.

Would you like to develop a native app? We will be delighted to share our knowledge and expertise with you at Codiant. Our extensive experience in developing mobile app solutions for iOS and Android will cater to your business needs. Contact Codiant’s experts and let your dream app become a reality.

Make your business experience memorable with Native App Development. Hire expert app developers today!

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