Courier Delivery

5 Highly Effective Online Courier Delivery App Features to Follow in 2020

  • Published on : July 6, 2020

  • Read Time : 4 min

  • Views : 8.6k


Online Courier delivery App is receiving a great deal of attention from e-commerce businesses and investors. This highly dynamic market is giving rise to more distinctive last-mile delivery determinations.

Qualified on-demand courier app development companies provide ample key processes as well as new technologies to make courier delivery apps strengthened and customer-focused.

Large chains and venture-backed endeavors undertake huge experiments to pilot a delivery service.

Since having a delivery-only business is lifeless and soulless without having customer-centric features, therefore, we would like you to reinvent the way you see parcel delivery by drawing in the key features which make a quintessential parcel delivery app.


Package Tracking

Serve Omni-channel retailers or eCommerce app owners with platform technology featuring smart routing through GPS-enabled smartphones and a crowdsourced driver pool. This will allow their shoppers to track their delivery in real-time right from the time of package dispatch until it gets delivered to their doors.

Users can also track the live delivery status of the shipment, packages by a unique tracking id and stay informed with periodic notifications like the order is packed, dispatched, at this current location, delivered, etc.

Faster Home Delivery

According to a report by Mckinsey, almost 30 percent of consumers are willing to pay significant premiums for the privilege of same-day or instant delivery. Including the feature of Premium (faster) delivery in your on-demand courier app is likely to produce some lucrative results.

Clear Pricing

Giving an accurate breakup of the invoice with clear pricing and tax details calculated based on package weight or size can help customers estimate the delivery cost ahead of time.

Integrated Payment Gateway

The app should be integrated with various payment gateway options like cards, cash or online banking. Renowned and trusted payment gateway providers such as Stripe, Paypal and Braintree will help you simplify the integration of credit and debit card payments for both Android and iOS apps.

Delivery by Autonomous Vehicles

Driven by consumer preferences and drop density, Mckinsey says, the last mile deliveries will see disruption from new X2C business models viz. parcel lockers, drones, and ground vehicles.

The report also says autonomous vehicles including drones will deliver close to 100 percent of X2C and 80 percent of all items. Only 2 percent will be delivered by bike couriers in the relatively small instant delivery segment.

So, maybe in the near future you’ll have to elevate your customary delivery vehicles to the most costly leg of the delivery process.

But if we talk time, the need of the hour is immaculate delivery on the time customers insist upon irrespective of the mode of transport.

Bottom Line:

With the rise of eCommerce, consumer preferences are given the topmost priority and large market players have branded courier delivery as the crucial determinant. So, it has become imperative to stay abreast with the trending features and amplify the business model.

On-demand courier delivery apps encompassing the aforementioned features are likely to dominate traditional delivery methods.

While you embark upon any mobile app development company to develop a courier delivery app ensure to outline these features beforehand.

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