Taxi App

Unveiling New Admin Panel Features for Enhanced Driver Management, Dispatch, and Report Tracking

  • Published on : January 17, 2018

  • Read Time : 4 min

  • Views : 7.5k

Table of Contents

Introducing the Latest Updates in Admin Panel to Manage Drivers, Dispatch and Track Reports

Every other taxi app we get to build from diverse countries, we have one demand in common; the dire need of admin panel’s ride reports. Taxi operators are in awe of this feature. Naturally, who will not want a standard report featuring the prolific results on all scenarios ranging from taxi booking to dispatching helping them to get maximized revenue?

Here we will talk about the most pressing need and paramount panel of taxi app solution that helps taxi operators to survive the stiff competition, manage the thinnest of glitches, take decisions and automate the operations flawlessly. The admin panel covers it all.


How Our Admin Panel Will Turn the Tables for Your Taxi Business:

Our dispatch panel offers you endless possibilities to manage the taxi drivers, cabs, customers and dispatch by providing you an exclusive login. Furthermore, it helps you to monitor progress and take actionable decisions by tracking ride reports. Let’s stride to it one by one.


The Dashboard

View a brief of the entire system. Track your taxis and active drivers on a real-time map. Check ongoing trips, notifications, and more:

  • Check the number of active drivers
  • The number of active customers
  • The active bookings
  • The on-going trips
  • The total amount earned etc.


Live Map

Admin can view a real time map and track their taxis on Google Map in real time location. Get information about all the taxis that are busy or empty status via the colors. Here yellow taxis are busy while Blue are empty.


Tracking Reports

We offer you a report section in the admin panel where you as an admin can see driver report, customer report and the ride report. Our advanced payment reports help you to track the earnings, plan your business by putting the strategies on place which needs attention, and catalyze actions on areas which are weak by putting extra marketing efforts.


Add Butler

Scale up your business with one-click taxi booking device. Taxi Butler helps you to book more rides and is perfect to be installed in hotels, restaurants, bars company receptions and other private spaces witnessing frequent footfalls. Our admin panel allows you to manage butlers from a single place.


Ride Management

Admin can check all the rides done, ongoing, requested, accepted, and canceled so far. With a real time map running aside.


Manage Drivers

Admin can manage the drivers at a single place. View and edit their name, email, phone number, and check their status. The admin can immediately put a driver account on Activation mode if he enrolls in or sign up and deactivate the account if he terminates from the job. In a nutshell, admin can add/modify/delete any driver.


Message Drivers and Customers

Admin can send messages to any or all drivers and customers at a time.


Manage Customers

View the details of all the customers. Take necessary actions.


Check Transactions

Check the date wise earnings earned by the rides on a particular date or past dates.


This is not the end to the features of admin panel. There is more to be further added to taxi admin portal; that we will soon discuss in the next part of this blog. Till than stay tuned!

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