How to Build Virtual Mobile Jewellery App With AR

  • Published on : October 23, 2023

  • Read Time : 12 min

  • Views : 8.4k


Augmented Reality (AR) is changing the way people interact with digital products.

Talking about the jewellery industry, AR does wonders here and it is nothing short of a revolutionary approach. This revolutionary technology uses 3D rendering and real-time tracking to make incredible experiences.

AR enhances the real world with digital elements with mobile app solutions for jewellery. This creates a blended experience perfect for testing jewellery.

About AR in Jewellery Apps

The jewellery industry is known for its emphasis on aesthetics, and consumers often want to try on jewellery to see how it looks on them. AR In Jewellery Apps Augmented reality technology provides an innovative solution to this problem by enabling virtual effort for jewellery. It helps provide accurate product information and educates consumers about different gemstones, materials, and designs.

  • Virtual try-on software for jewellery helps to showcase your jewellery products online.
  • Virtual try-on software for jewellery with AR capabilities gives users a unique and engaging shopping experience.

AR in the jewellery industry is not limited to virtualization efforts. Users can see the exact shape of a piece of jewellery in real time. Customers can see how these pieces make them look in real time, including how they perceive light and interact with their skin and clothing.

What Are AR Jewellery Apps?

Augmented reality jewellery apps are mobile applications that utilize AR technology to offer users a unique and interactive way to experience jewelry. These apps enable users to virtually try on various jewellery pieces without physically wearing them. They achieve this by overlaying digital images of jewellery onto real-time images or videos of the user, often using the device’s camera.

The augmented reality jewellery app allows users to view and interact with virtual jewellery. It offers a fun way to browse and buy jewellery online. Additionally, enabling your recognition experience to be shared on social media can increase customer engagement by increasing brand awareness and word-of-mouth sales.

Let’s say you want to buy a diamond ring for your wedding and you want to make sure the rings look great. In such situations, the use of AR helps to create jewellery according to the user’s expectations.

Augmented Reality jewellery app helps you change the diamond size, carat, metal, shape, and setting of the ring before placing an online order. This eliminates the need to find an exclusive jewellery shop to buy the perfect pair of diamond for you and your loved one.

Further, the best thing is that you can select a product and ask for customization from a remote location.

How to Build a Virtual Mobile Jewellery App With AR

Follow these steps to create an augmented reality jewellery app. Choose the right technology stack, design realistic 3D models, integrate AR capabilities, focus on intuitive UI/UX design, perform thorough testing, and launch with strategic marketing. Future trends include AR glasses integration, 3D printing, and AR-powered wearables for enhanced user experiences in the jewellery industry.

Benefits of An AR Jewellery App

Augmented Reality jewellery app offers various benefits to consumers and jewelers.

From Customer Prospect

  • More confidence in customers while shopping online.
  • Ability to manage jewellery trials anytime/anywhere.
  • Share jewellery pieces on various social networking sites.

From Business Prospect

  • Higher customer engagement than an offline store.
  • Easy to get detailed analytics and reporting reports.
  • Enhanced conversion rates.

Explaining the Purpose & Features of An AR Jewellery App

Before you try the software for jewellery, it is important to define the purpose and features of your augmented reality jewellery app. You must determine what features, functionality before building your own jewellery app, and content you want to have in your AR-based jewellery app, and what user experience you want to provide to your potential customers. Purpose and feature of AR jewellery App Consider a few things before you make software for jewellery.

Virtual Try On

The core feature of AR jewellery apps is the ability to virtually try on jewellery. Users can see how a piece of jewellery would look on them by using their device’s camera.

Realistic 3D Models

AR apps create highly detailed 3D models of jewellery items, ensuring that they look as realistic as possible when superimposed onto the user’s body or in their surroundings.

Sync with the Real World

One of the primary challenges of online jewellery shopping is the uncertainty of how a piece will look when worn. AR apps address this concern by offering a realistic try-on experience, reducing hesitation and the likelihood of returns.

Interactive UI for a Better Shopping Experience

AR jewellery apps make the shopping experience more interactive and engaging. Users can share their virtual try-on experiences with friends and family, seek opinions, and make more confident purchase decisions.

Also Read: Augmented Reality in Retail Transforming the Industry

Online Shopping Integration for Secured Payment

AR jewellery apps are often integrated with e-commerce platforms. This allows users to make purchases directly within the app. It also comes with the option of secure payment, which results in improved purchases. To build a virtual mobile jewellery app with AR, you need to work on certain points. Here, we have curated the list of such points. Have a look-

1. Choosing the Right Technology Stack

Choosing the right technology stack is critical to the development of your AR jewellery application.

Platform Decide if you’re targeting iOS, Android, or both.

AR Framework Choose a compatible AR development framework such as ARKit (used for iOS) or ARCore (used for Android).

Programming Languages For iOS, you’ll need Swift or Objective-C; For Android, you will use Java or Kotlin.

Backend Technology Select the backend technology to manage user data, products, and purchases.

Database Choose a NoSQL database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB database system to store and manage the data.

2. Create & Customize 3D Jewellery Models

To have a realistic and immersive experience, you need jewellery items that are high-quality 3D models.

Hire 3D Artists Hire professional 3D artists or outsource the design work to experts.

Model Optimization Ensure that the model is optimized for real-time rendering on mobile devices to keep operations running.

3. Integrate AR Capabilities

Your app’s functionality mainly depends on its AR capabilities. In order for users to try on the jewellery normally, you need to do the following:

ARKit/ARCore Functionality Add AR frameworks to track and define AR objects.

Real-time Analysis Develop a system that monitors the user’s body or face to accurately position the jewellery.

3D Object Placement Combine 3D jewellery models in the AR environment.

Interactivity Enables users to manipulate and customize deep content within the AR experience.

4. Focus on UI Design

The user interface is the bridge between your users and the AR experience.

Intuitive Navigation Create a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface that makes it easy to interact.

Practical Design Make sure the app adapts to different screen sizes and styles.

User Feedback Provide feedback and guidance during the AR testing process.

Pure Aesthetic Maintain an elegant design that matches the aesthetics of the jewellery.

5. Focus on UX Design

User experience is essential to make your augmented reality jewellery app a huge success.

Performance Efficiency Reduce user effort to find and try on jewellery.

Realism Try a realistic AR experience with lighting and shadow effects.

Performance Optimize for smooth operation across multiple devices.

Customization Allow users to customize jewellery items such as size, materials, and gemstones.

6. Testing & QA

Proper testing and quality assurance are essential to ensure that your app works flawlessly.

Functional Testing Test all products and services to identify and correct any problems.

Performance Testing Check how the application works on different devices and under different conditions.

User Testing Conduct user testing to gather feedback and make improvements.

Security Testing Evaluate the security of the application to protect user data and services.

7. Launch Your Virtual Jewellery App

Once your app is polished and ready, it’s time to get started. Here’s what you need to think about.

App Store Submission Prepare your app for submission to app stores (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store).

Marketing Content Create compelling marketing content such as app screenshots, descriptions, and promotional videos.

App Monetization Decide on your app’s monetization strategy, which may include in-app purchases, subscription models, or a combination.

Compliance Make sure your app complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including data protection and customer rights.

8. Market Your Jewellery App with AR

Marketing is essential for user engagement and engagement. You should follow the right marketing strategy to promote your augmented reality jewellery app and make it reachable to the right audience.

Social Media Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to promote your AR jewellery app.

Influential Conversations Collaborate with fashion and jewellery influencers to promote your app. Content Marketing Create interesting content about depth trends and AR tryout experiences.

Email Marketing Create a mailing list and send updates, offers, and news to customers.

App Store Optimization (ASO) Optimize your App Store listings to increase visibility and download content. Moreover, you should be aware of how augmented reality will be impactful for jewellery industry in the future. Read the future trends of augmented reality jewellery apps and know how it will transform the way consumers explore, try on, and buy jewellery pieces in the coming years.

Future Trends of Augmented Reality Jewellery App

The jewellery industry will continue to grow in the future. And, Augmented Reality keeps an eye on emerging trends like integration with AR glasses, 3D printing, and wearables like AR-powered wearable devices for jewellery. This will increase realism and improve AR experiences to remain worthwhile.

Building a Mobile App Solution For Jewellery with AR is an exciting journey. It’s a journey of planning, creativity, technical expertise and dedication to delivering a unique user experience.


A mobile app solution for jewellery empowers businesses and allows the user to experience shopping anywhere and anytime. With augmented reality in jewellery, users can access an unlimited collection of jewellery with exclusive virtual displays.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can create an AR jewellery app that engages users, enhances the jewellery buying experience, and sets you apart in an ever-evolving digital world of other things.

The team of experts at Codiant has extensive experience in developing AR solutions to engage the user and increase retention rates. We believe in empowering our customers and helping them make money with augmented reality jewellery app.

Start building your Mobile Jewellery App today and offer customers an immersive shopping experience.

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